Perpetual Succour Health Centre
Perpetual Succour Health Centre - 1989
In Charge : Sr Carmine Sequeira
Address : Perpetual Succour Health Centre,
P G Playa Post 571457,
Kollegal Taluk,
Chamarajanagar District
Phone no : 08225 / 273237
The Ursuline Franciscan presence in P.G Palya began in 1961. Pastoral apostolate being the life stream of the Sisters, education was also imparted in the Diocesan management. In order to create awareness of health and hygiene and to give the people medical help the Perpetual Succour Health Centre was started in the year 1989 in a small house near the church. To expand and enhance the medical service a clinic was put up in 2000. We remain grateful to Rev Fr Vincent Fernandes for the countless support given in putting up the building.
Sr Carmine D’Souza with her recent studies of Social Work started concentrating on the community development work in and around P.G Palya. 20 villages have been conscientized, built rapport with the people on frequent visits.
Farmer’s Group:
After having studied the socio-economic situation of the villages, 8 villages were identified for forming Farmers’ group. One each Farmer’s group in 8 villages have been formed. These groups meet regularly for the savings.
JLG (Joint liability groups): 20 villages have been identified for forming JLGs. Financial literacy has been given to these groups for understanding the concept of savings and loans. 85 JLGs are formed in these villages. Social, economical and political empowerment being the thrust of the Centre, the staff works hard towards the realization of the goal.