St Mary’s Community Health Centre was started on 16th July 2004 with the medical personnel of Sr Dr Hilda Lobo and Sr. Mary Mendonca. Medical facilities at H. D. Kote being deplorably few, more and more people arrived to Health Centre. Over the years, as per the need the hospital has been equipped and upgraded with more medical personnel such as doctors specialized with Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Paediatrician, with duty doctors, good number of staff, collaborative associations & hospitals with facilities like registered pharmacy, ultrasound Scanner, X ray machine, well equipped laboratory, ECG machine, CTG machine, 2 Operation theatres, incubators, general wards, special wards, super special wards. In order to attend to the inpatients, to provide better care extra block and additional OT has been constructed. The number of beds from 18 gradually rose to 80 beds. Hospital does not limit its service in the health Centre but reach out to the people with outreach program, health camps, during seasonal break out diseases and mobile clinic.