Silver Jubilee of Erection of Mysore Province
Ursuline Franciscan Congregation, Mysore Province celebrated Silver Jubilee of Erection of Mysore Province on 29 December 2022 at Maria Niketan, Bogadi. The theme of the day was ‘Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and be glad). Rt Rev. Raja Rao, Bishop of Vijayawada officiated the Eucharistic Celebration, Rt Rev. K A William, Bishop of Mysuru broke the Word of God and Rt Rev. Antony Valapilly, Bishop Emeritus along with the many other priests concelebrated Eucharist. After the Eucharist all the Provincial Superiors, Provincial Councillors, Provincial Bursars and Regional Superiors were honoured.
Rev. Sr Milly Fernandes, Superior General, Councillors General, Provincials of Other Provinces, Priests, Sisters, well-wishers were the guests of the day.
It was a time to reminiscence with thankful heart our journey in the province as to how far God has led us and for opening the various doors of apostolate to our sisters and for making it possible for us to serve many people. It has been a long journey with a lot of opportunities and challenges but with the love of God that is unbreakable, unshakable, unconditional and infinite and by His unfailing grace, we have reached where we are today. The footprints always walking with us in our happy and successful moments, in our challenges and failures, in our difficult times accompanying us every time and everywhere. God who started this good work in us will bring it to completion, this trust made us work together as the community, Province and Congregation.