Kamala Nivas

Kamala Nivas, Jomapanahalli - May 21, 1971

Address : Kamala Nivas
Jompanahalli Post
Chinnappara Palya
H D Kote Taluk
Mysuru District 571125

Phone No : 9449389239

Srs Florence Sequeira, Bridgit Mary and Milburga D Cunha led by Sr Beatrice D Silva arrived at Jompanahalli on May 21, 1971. They fulfilled the long cherished desire of Mgr Fr Cappel MEP, France who had been several years toiling at this woefully backward and sorely neglected place. The Sisters were invited to be a source of inspiration and fountainhead of strength for them. As elsewhere the beginnings were as humble as they were hard. They lived in a small house, typical of the locality, to live in. the Sisters gave their service in the school worked strenuously and upgraded the school, raising both the standard and the strength. Sisters among them Sr Beatrice D Silva a nurse, visited the houses, making contacts, helping the sick with medicines, advice and support, imparting moral education and teaching catechism. They conducted number of programmes through Mahila Sangas, basic health programmes and so on. All the basic needs of the village were attended by the Sanghas. Besides these activities there is also a Health Centre.

The Sisters engage themselves in teaching Catechism to the children, family prayer, health ministry and teaching.