
Ursuline Franciscan Spirituality

After the example of Jesus, the reality of Ursuline Franciscan Sisters is also a Trinitarian Reality- A tripolar one. There are three sources influencing Ursuline Franciscans’ thinking, believing, acting and living:

Angeline Spirituality

Franciscan Spirituality

Founder’s Spirituality

Angeline Tradition


Spirituality of Relationship

To launch deeper into the life of the People

(Not Pleasure but Consecrated Chastity)

Father’s Love

Spirit’s Power

To find God in all things

Spirituality of Discernment

Ignatian Tradition

(Not Potency but Evangelical Obedience)

Jesus’ Freedom

Freedom to renounce riches and embrace poverty

Spirituality of Kenosis

Franciscan Tradition

(Not Profit but Voluntary Poverty)