October 21, 2017 is the red-letter day to the Sisters of Mysore Province and the members of Ursuline Franciscan Lay Association (UFLA) as they celebrate the Founders day and on the same day UFLA get-together of Mysore Province was organized at Bogadi.
The days programme began with a meaningful prayer service led by the Balehonnur UFLA unit followed by the lighting the lamp by the dignitaries of the day. V Rev Sr Susheela Sequeira, the Superior General, the president, Rev Fr Ronald Cardoza the main speaker of the day, Rev Sr SeverineVeigas the Provincial Superior of Hubli Province, Rev Sr Tressy D Mello the Assistant Provincial of Mangalore Province, Rev Sr Apoline Cordeiro the Provincial of Mysore Province and Rev Sr Lilly Rodrigues the UFLA Coordinator of Mysore province were the guests of honour.
In her inaugural address the president while highlighting the theme of the day recalled the bond of love that keeps the family united that which becomes the foundation for happy and healthy society.
The spokes person of the day Rev Fr Ronald Cardoza spoke on the theme Preethi Kutumbada moola swasthya samajada adipaya (love is the source of the family and foundation for the healthy society) with illustration and made the audience to be clear of the concept. The members were determined to make their family a loving and witnessing one. Thereafter in the thanksgiving Holy Eucharistic celebration we drew strength from the Lord for living a value based life and to ignite the love in the family.
In the afternoon the various UFLA units staged entertaining and inspiring programme on the day’s theme that appreciated by all present. Thus the curtain drawn with an anthem.